Business Ho’oponopono
Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono®, SITH®, is a Hawaiian problem solving process to release memories that show up as problems in our everyday lives and affect our business(es).
The Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Business Ho’oponopono is a SITH® Basic I class and includes the SITH® Twelve Step Process and other SITH® Basic I Tools.
The SITH® Business Ho’oponopono class is designed to teach the Ho’oponopono process with the opportunity to focus on the problems, decisions and opportunities of Business.
The SITH® Business Ho’oponopono class includes a Business questionnaire and discussions related to business.
Students get the chance to use the SITH® Twelve Step process and tools, applying it to business situations.
Students who attend often are involved in businesses, starting up business, own or are employed by businesses, sources of income.
This class offers unique opportunities for cleaning.

“When we work with the Ho’oponopono we include I-Dentities. Our business, our jobs, our sources of income also have an I-Dentity. When Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona developed the SITH® process she also spent many many hours of meditation developing the “Business Process”. Applying Ho’oponopono to Business was a very important process to her. Our willingness to include our Business as an I-Dentity and fill in the information on the Business Questionnaire assists us with our job to clean. The Business Ho’oponopono Class allows for the application of SITH® with special attention to the Business Questionnaire.
The Business Ho’oponopono class includes the Business Questionnaire and how to apply Ho’oponopono to business, jobs, sources of income, the I-Dentity of money, and other parts of our business lives. I find using the Business Questionnaire to be an integral and important part of my cleaning……and my cleaning with business. Remember, as we clean/Ho’oponopono with business, our unihipili will gather many memories related to other parts of our lives too
Kamailelauli’I Ravaelovich LMR, RB, MBA
“All the basic concepts that anyone needs in to grow a successful business is found in the Basic I materials.
When I asked a Coordinator to share with the class the essence of what she taught in her Basic I class. Her response: SELF CLEANING!
SELF CLEANING what? Memories replaying PAST ERRORS IN THE SUBCONSCIOUS of people involved in a business.
It comes down to basics! basics! basics!
1. When a business is having problems, the problems are errors replaying in the subconscious of the owners, employees, everybody.
2. What is the solution? Repentance, forgiveness and transmutation by the “I” of the errors replaying in the subconscious of the owners, employees, everybody… the subconscious of everyone involved in the business is crucial and that the care of the subconscious is good business.
The Basic I is a jewel beyond price.” The PEACE of “I”.
Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D.
“I had the privilege of working with Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona from 1980 and attended many of her classes.
Over the years Morrnah was inspired to include additions to the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® classes.
The Business Process Questionnaire was developed to answer questions students asked on how to clean with their businesses.
The Business Process has been very helpful to me in cleaning with my own business, businesses of different family members, businesses I am dealing with, etc.
I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to be 100% responsible and to clean with all I-Dentities – including the I-Dentity of Business and the I-Dentity of Money.”
Constance ZHoku=Pana Webber
“The Business class gives a wonderful opportunity to work on your business, your experience of your business, family businesses and Business in general. The cleaning assists with resolving problems in a business while working on yourself. As I clean with my Business, the Business sees what to do next and assists me in the unfolding of those tasks.
I have had the chance to clean on my husbands business, its development from a small company, to its sale, and further development within a larger company. I am grateful to clean with my children’s jobs, the companies where they work and the I-Dentity of those businesses. The Business class allows us to clean on the Business of life in all its many facets.” I am grateful to clean up with my children’s jobs, the companies where they work and the I-Dentity of those businesses. The Business class allows us to clean up the business of life in all its facets.”
Mary Koehler
The Ho’oponopono process provides “a step by step approach to achieving Peace, Balance and a new meaning of life through an understanding of one’s Self I-dentity”.
During these two days you will learn how to apply the Self I-Dentity though Ho’oponopono® process which we often refer to as “cleaning”, we will begin to learn how to:
- Clean with being more effective and productive
- Clean with resolving business problems in an easy way
- Take a 100% responsibility for solving business problems
- Clean with creating perfect and right business relationships
- Apply the SITH® process in letting go of expectations
- Clean with who you really are, your inherent talents and your purpose in work
- Delete memories that impact on your plans, goals, decisions and results
- Cleanse with letting go of the thought “I know” and let intuition and inspiration move you
- Clean with being open and flexible to receive ideal business solutions through inspiration
The training for individuals consists of a 2-day class in which participants are taught who they are, what problems are, and how problems can be solved by deleting toxic, unwanted memories without going one inch outside of themselves.
- Students are required to read the online article, “Who’s in Charge?” prior to enrolling in the Business class.
- Business Class is a new class. Review students for this class are only those who have attended a Business Class in person before. Once students have attended a Business Class in person then they may attend the Business Class as a Review Student. Students must be 14 years or older to attend the business class. Studens that have attended a Business class as a new student, would then attend the Basic I class or a Health class as a new student the first time they attended
- No one will be admitted to a class unless they have paid the fees for the class in full.
- By registering for the class, students agree to the Disclaimer and Registration Agreement
- “Any I-Dentity can sign up to take the Self I-Dentity through Ho’opoopono class in Absentee”
For Asia: Any I-Dentity can sign up for Absentee Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® class. The Registrant must be a Review Student.
See our World Wide Absentee page for more information about WWA.
Pre-registration Fee will be accepted in full up to Saturday at midnight 1 week before the class. Anyone making payment after Saturday at midnight must pay the Registration Week of Class fee. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure the payment has been received in full.
For ONLINE classes:
- Participants are signing up as one person, and are requested not to share the link for the class or invite others over to view the class. Each person who wants to participate in the class, needs to register and sign up as a legitimate student. Participation and viewing of the class is for the person who registered only. If you have others interested in attending the class, feel free to send them the website or flyer for registration.
- Audio recording, Video recording, and taking photographs are strictly prohibited, copyright rules apply
- “IZI LLC” owns all information, copyrights, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights provided at the lectures/classes. Therefore, disclosure, duplication, copying, distribution, sale, provision, advertisement, or other disclosure to third parties without prior permission of “IZI LLC” is prohibited
- There are no plans to post a recorded video of the conference, so check the schedule carefully and make sure you can attend on the day(s) before registering. Additionally, we recommend that you test your Internet speed, bandwidth and environment to confirm in advance that there are no problems. Students are responsible for making sure their equipment can support the class.
- When registering for the class, we ask that you do not use unnecessary electronic devices. All SITH® classes and conferences sponsored by IZI LLC, in person or online, are spiritual events. It is with great care, spiritual cleansing and respect that we present these events to you. Therefore, we ask that you do not engage in any electronic social communication via text messages, emails and/or phone calls (unless it is an emergency) while the class is in progress. We also request that all other electronic devices not being used to view the class be turned off. Engaging in active social communication during class presentations and the use of unnecessary electronic devices affects the sacredness of the class. The ramifications of these actions could be tremendous for you, your family, relatives and ancestors. It is our responsibility to inform you of this.
- Class Recordings: IZI LLC has not been approved to teach the SITH® class by recording only. There will be no option for a student to physically attend and then receive the recording. It is up to the student how much of the class he/she takes or participates in. IZI LLC does not make the recordings available to any student who is unable to attend part of the class.