Health Ho’oponopono
The SITH® Health Ho’oponopono class is a wonderful opportunity to cleanse our experience and health concerns that we experience in ourselves, our families, relatives and ancestors.
The SITH® Ho’oponopono Health class includes a menu of SITH® health tools that can be applied to health concerns and a questionnaire developed by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona to clean up issues that arise that may contribute to these concerns.
We have the opportunity to apply the SITH® tools to our health and release the past memories that replay as health concerns in our lives.

This class is a combined SITH® Basic I and the application of the process to health concerns.
By the end of the class, students will:
- Begin to know who they are and their purpose for existence,
- Learn how to care for and protect Self,
- Learn what a problem is and how to solve problems,
- Learn to look only to Self and the Divine Creator for problem solving,
- Begin to know and appreciate the Divine Creator,
- Learn how to apply SITH® process to experiences of illness and health,
- Begin immediate application of problem solving tools for health concerns for Self and as health providers.
Some of the problem areas covered in the class include:
- Self – spiritual, mental, emotional and physical conditions,
- Family, relatives and ancestors,
- High blood pressure, pain, anxiety, depression, and more,
- Death and dying,
- Land, buildings, health facilities,
- Objects.
1. Students are required to read the online article, “Who’s in Charge?” prior to enrolling in the Basic I Health Ho’oponopono class.
2. Review students for this class must have attended a 2 day SITH® Health Ho’oponopono class before. Once students have attended a Health Class in person then they may attend the Health Class as a Review Student. Students that have attended a Health class as a new student, would then attend a Basic I or Business class as a new student the first time they attended.
3. No one will be admitted to a class unless they have paid the fees for the class in full.
4. By registering for the class, students agree to the Disclaimer and Registration Agreement
5. Class Materials: Please note: The class fees for new students includes free IZI LLC class materials, whether digital or printed. You agree to receive your free class materials as a new student in either digital or printed.
Review students are to bring their own materials and pendulums. Coordinators may choose to make the Basic I Manual, Tool Menu and Pendulums available for purchase if extras are available.
Basic I Manuals and Tool Menus may be ordered by review students at this address (allow at least 2-6 weeks for delivery):
Basic I Manual and Tool Menu:
6. “Any I-Dentity can sign up to take the Self I-Dentity through Ho’opoopono class as Absentee”
For Asia: Any I-Dentity can enroll in the Self I-Dentity class through Ho’oponopono®. The registrant must be a student in review.
See our World Wide Absentee page for more information about WWA.
Pre-registration Fee will be accepted in full up to Saturday at midnight 1 week before the class. Anyone making payment after Saturday at midnight must pay the Registration Week of Class fee. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure the payment has been received in full.
For ONLINE classes:
- Participants are signing up as one person, and are requested not to share the link for the class or invite others over to view the class. Each person who wants to participate in the class, needs to register and sign up as a legitimate student. Participation and viewing of the class is for the person who registered only. If you have others interested in attending the class, feel free to send them the website or flyer for registration.
- Audio recording, Video recording, and taking photographs are strictly prohibited, copyright rules apply
- “IZI LLC” owns all information, copyrights, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights provided at the lectures/classes. Therefore, disclosure, duplication, copying, distribution, sale, provision, advertisement, or other disclosure to third parties without prior permission of “IZI LLC” is prohibited
- There are no plans to post a recorded video of the conference, so check the schedule carefully and make sure you can attend on the day(s) before registering. Additionally, we recommend that you test your Internet speed, bandwidth and environment to confirm in advance that there are no problems. Students are responsible for making sure their equipment can support the class.
- In signing up for the class, we ask that you do not use unnecessary electronic devices. All IZI LLC sponsored SITH® classes and lectures In-person or online are spiritual events. It is with great care, spiritual cleaning, and respect that we present these events to you. Therefore, we ask that you not engage in any electronic social communication via texting, emailing, and/or phone calling (unless in case of emergency) while the class is being conducted. We also ask that all other electronic devices not being used to view the class be powered off. Engaging in active social communication during class presentations and the use of unnecessary electronic devices impacts the sacredness of the class. The ramifications of these actions could be tremendous for you, your family, relatives and ancestors. It is our responsibility to inform you of this.
- Class Recordings: IZI LLC has not been approved to teach the SITH® class by recording only. There will be no dual option for a student of attending physically and then receiving the recording. It is up to the student, how much of the class they take or participate in. IZI LLC does not make the recordings available for any students that is unable to attend part of the class.

Gracias•Thank you•Grazie•Merci•Danke•Takk•Gràcies•Eskerrik asko•Grazas•Obrigado