


Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® – Mexico


Was introduced to Morrnah Simeona in 1984 when she took her first Self-Identity through Ho’oponopono® class in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Taking numerous SITH® classes with Morrnah and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, within three years, she became a staff member of the Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos and became Coordinator and Instructor in 1991 for Philadelphia and later, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Caroline has a Bachelor of Science degree in Education, a certificate in grant writing, and works in non-profit resource development. She has taught SITH® lectures and classes in person in the US, Argentina, the Former Soviet Union, Asia, and Canada, as well as online lectures and classes in Anchorage, Alaska, Washington DC, and Japan.

She is deeply grateful for SITH®, applying the tools with Self, and her experiences moving through LIFE —relationships, health, finances, work environments, etc., cleaning memories replaying as blocks and problems that show up and allowing for Perfect and Right solutions, resources, and ideas to manifest.

The realization that the cause of and the solution to all her problems is within herself has been a most profound and life-changing experience. Through the practice of this simple and sacred SITH® process–letting go and letting GOD– she experiences a deep appreciation for the Divinity in herself and in all of Creation. Applying SITH® tools with her sons and family relationships has been invaluable in allowing for a more peaceful existence for all. Peace Begins with Me.


Has been practicing the Self I-Dentity through Ho`oponopono® process as a way of life since meeting Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and taking her first class in 1983.

She holds a Bachelor of Science in Individual and Family Studies, is a mother, IZI LLC Coordinator and Instructor since 1987 and applies the SITH® process moment by moment to her daily business of life. She has coordinated and instructed in person classes in the USA and Australia. She has also instructed online classes in Europe, South America, the USA and Mexico.

“I am eternally grateful to the I and Morrnah for the gifts of Love, Healing, Peace, Freedom and Balance this process brings to me, my family, relatives and ancestors and all of Creation.”


Was first introduced to SITH® in 1982 when Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona was inspired to go to the island of Maui, Hawaii to teach a Basic I class “Looking only at self” and taking action to be responsible to “clean self” no matter what happens are the greatest gifts she learned from Morrnah Simeona.

Over a span of 40 years+ of cleaning, Jean continues to experience life’s challenges spiritually, mentally and physically. Through it all, she says.

Inner peace can arise if you simply “cleanse” yourself. She is eternally grateful to the Divine and Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona for these eternal gifts as we all become a salvation for each other.

Jean has taught in person classes in Hawaii, Taiwan, Japan, Brazil, and China; online classes in the USA, Asia, South America, Europe, and India.


She met Morrnah Simeona and Ihaleakala Hew Len in 1985 when she took her first class in Honolulu, Hawaii. As she applies the Self I-Dentity process through Ho’oponopono®, she sees changes in her life: toxic memories are released, spiritual, mental and physical healing occurs, and she moves into the right place at the right time. There is nothing that does not yield to the SITH® process when she takes 100% responsibility and does the cleansing.

Marian was coordinator for New York State from 1989 – 1999, coordinator for Austin, TX, 2016 – 2019, and St. Paul, MN – 2019. She was volunteer staff for Ihaleakala Hew Len and Mary Koehler during their European tours in 2007 and 2008 which included classes in The Netherlands, Ireland, Germany and England. She has instructed in person classes in the United States, Austria, Brazil, Peru, Russia, and Kazakhstan, online classes in the USA.

Professionally, she holds a Master of Science degree in Conservation of Artistic and Historic Artifacts. Now retired, she was the Founding Chief Conservator at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of the American Indian for nearly three decades. Through cleaning, she saw profound changes in herself and those around her.

Marian currently lives in the mountains of Western North Carolina where each day, she is forever grateful to The Divinity, Morrnah and Ihaleakala for their infinite love and knowing that we are only here to make amends and it all begins with oneself.


Native Hawaiian, first met Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona in 1982. She learned the gift of SITH® from Morrnah in Hawaii in 1983.

Embracing this beautiful practice based on repentance, forgiveness and transmutation, has afforded her the opportunity to clean with family, relatives, ancestors and all in creation, moment to moment, enriching her life with purpose and clarity. She came to Washington, D.C. in 1979 to work for the late U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka, retiring in 2013 at the close of his career in Congress.

Through Morrnah’s guidance, Senator Akaka and she were blessed in assisting and witnessing the coming home of the Lady of Freedom to the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center. She has been the Coordinator for the Washington, D.C. SITH® classes since 1984 to the present.

She has taught SITH® classes online in the US, Argentina, Korea, Mexico, Romania, India classes and in person in the US, Former Soviet Union (Kazakhstan), Japan, Korea, People’s Republic of China, Singapore and Taiwan, the Republic of China

Gracias•Thank you•Grazie•Merci•Danke•Takk•Gràcies•Eskerrik asko•Grazas•Obrigado
