World Wide Absentee
World Wide Absentee (WWA) Registration
IZI LLC is very grateful to be opening the World Wide Absentee Registration. We have the opportunity for more I-Dentities to participate in the cleaning. In meditation with Dr. Hew Len, “Any I-Dentity can sign up to take the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® class in Absentee.”
For Asia: Any I-Dentity can sign up for Absentee Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® class. The Registrant must be a Review Student. For Basic II: The WWA Registrant must meet the requirements of a Basic II students to attend a Basic II class as WWA. See requirements for Basic II.
Any I-Dentity may be registered for any of IZI LLC sponsors SITH® classes as a World Wide Absentee participant. Family members, children, spouses, boy friends, girlfriends, significant others, friends, businesses, cars, houses, pets, oceans, rivers, lakes, mountains, and all I-Dentities may take the class in absentee. The Registrant (the person who registers and pays for the class) may register any Participant (the I-Dentity). The World Wide Absentee Participant does not have to have taken the class before, to take it in absentee, except for Asia. For Basic II classes, registrant must meet the Basic II requirements to register themselves or another participant.
All participating IZI LLC Coordinators may begin to accept World Wide Absentee Registrations for any class listed on the World Wide Absentee page of the IZI LLC website, except for Asia, Former Soviet Union, Bulgaria and Israel Registrations. Please consult the list of participating Coordinators.
1. All Asian Registrants with Asian addresses must sign up for World Wide Absentee through Asian office. The registrant must be a review student.
2. All Former Soviet Union, Bulgaria and Israel Registrants with addresses in these countries must sign up for the World Wide Absentee through the Former Soviet Union, Bulgarian and Israel website.
3. Any I-Dentity may be registered for any of IZI LLC sponsors SITH® classes as a World Wide Absentee participant. Family members, children, spouses, boy friends, girlfriends, significant others, friends, businesses, cars, houses, pets, oceans, rivers, lakes, mountains, and all I-Dentities may take the class in absentee. The Registrant (the person who registers and pays for the class) may register any Participant (the I-Dentity). The World Wide Absentee Participant does not have to have taken the class before, to take it in absentee, except for Asia.
All Asian Registrants with Asian addresses must sign up for World Wide Absentee through Asian office. Except for Asia, where the registrant must be a review student. All Former Soviet Union, Bulgaria and Israel Registrants with addresses in these countries must sign up for the World Wide Absentee through the Former Soviet Union, Bulgarian and Israel website.
4. Once the payment and registration is complete, the participant will be entered into the World Wide Absentee lists of students for the class. The cleaning begins with registration and earlier registration allows for more cleaning. The World Wide Absentee cleaning list will be posted every business day to these 3 Affiliates (Kamailelauli’I Rafaelovich, Constance ZHoku=Pana Webber & Mary Koehler-My Wild Irish Rose) and all IZI LLC Coordinators and Instructors.
5. At the class event, the participants name will be on the World Wide Absentee List on the Absentee Table.
6. If you are interested in attending an ONLINE class, please see the ONLINE schedule page: When registering as a WWA student, you do not attend the class or receive the class materials, you do receive all the benefits of the cleaning before and during the class.
Thank you.

Registration for Basic I, Basic II, Health and Business Classes for World Wide Absentee (WWA):
1. All participating IZI LLC Coordinators may begin to accept World Wide Absentee registrations for any class listed on the World Wide Absentee page on the IZI LLC website, except for Asia, Former Soviet Union, Bulgaria and Israel registrations. All Asian Registrants with Asian addresses must sign up for World Wide Absentee through Asian office. All Former Soviet Union, Bulgaria and Israel Registrants with addresses in these countries must sign up for the World Wide Absentee through the Former Soviet Union, Bulgarian and Israel website. For Basic II: The WWA Registrant must meet the requirements of a Basic II students to attend a Basic II class as WWA. See requirements for Basic II.
2. World Wide Absentee registration will open 3 months before the date of the class. This schedule will be updated at the beginning of the month on the IZI LLC website. Please see the classes open for WWA registration.
3. Any I-Dentity may be signed up for the SITH® class as a World Wide Absentee Participant. Except for Asia, where the Registrant must be a Review Student. Those Participants attending in Absentee do not receive any materials, and would register as a new student when first taking the class in person. For Basic II classes, registrant must meet the Basic II requirements to register themselves or another participant.
4. The Distance Coordinator (a Coordinator registering World Wide Absentee students for a class they are not Coordinating themselves) will accept World Wide Absentee registration at the same amount and in the same currency as their regular scheduled classes.(ie, US Distance coordinators would accept all Absentee I-Dentities for $255 USD for any class in the world). We have updated the Absentee Fees to 1 Fee.
5. The Class Coordinator (the Coordinator for the class itself) may also register World Wide Absentee students for their class at the Absentee Fee as soon as their registration opens.
6. The World Wide Absentee cleaning list will be posted to the 3 Affiliates, all Coordinators and Instructors for cleaning every business day.
7. Distance or Class Coordinator will email or mail the Participant certificate to their World Wide Absentee Registrant.
8. Cancellation Policy: No refund or transfer for World Wide Absentee registration after registration is completed.
9. Cancellation Policy: In the event a class is canceled: we do not refund World Wide Absentee registration. Once a student has registered, the cleaning starts. If a class is canceled, students may choose to sign up through the same Coordinator for a different class as a WWA student that takes place that year. We would continue the cleaning each day, and would send a thank you note at the end of the cleaning time for the new class.
10. Class materials are not sent to the student. The student must attend the class in person or online as a New Student to receive the materials and procedures on use of the materials. WWA participants receive all the benefits of the cleaning before and during the class.
As Dr. Hew Len wrote regarding the SITH® events:
“This is the lifetime to be yourself, pure-in-heart, free of fear and distress. Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® takes you home to the purity of yourself through cleaning memories replaying fear and distress.
From the purity of your heart automatically comes light. The Light, enlightenment, provides all that is perfect for you: perfect family and business relationships, perfect sources of wealth and perfect talents and ideas.
All is available to you NOW. You alone must make the choice: to live with fear and distress or live the light of perfection.”